Running GUI application on top of docker conatiner.

Rahul Keshari
Jun 1, 2021

What is docker?

In simple, docker is a container technology which helps us in launching new Os on the top of Base OS within second.

How to launch GUI application on the top of container?


  1. On the base OS run command “xhost + local:”.
  2. Now launch the container using following command: [docker run -it — net=host — env=“DISPLAY’’ —volume=$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw centos]. I have used centos imange here.
  3. As soon you get the terminal of container after running the command in (2). Run the command [yum install firefox -y].
  4. After the firefox is installed run the command [firefox]. Firefox will be opened on the top of docker container.

Below I’m posting the video of the following demo:

